Does St. Thomas think that Aristotle's Physics proves God?

At the end of his commentary on Aristotle's  Physics , St. Thomas Aquinas says that Aristotle has ended his discussion on nature by cons...

Wednesday, June 19, 2024


Those who hate tradition, those who hate orthodoxy, those who hate the treasures of our Sacred Faith and our most Holy Religion - and I am speaking of those on the attack within the structures of our Church - say the most horribly stupid and evil things, things so discordant and dissonant with reality and truth, things full of so much ugly and revolting hatred for good people. And not only that, but they devise the most wicked and heartless of plans. So that, the natural reaction is to be consumed by rage and desire for vindication. 

But, let us step back and look to Our Lord, nailed to the Cross, covered with thousands of savage wounds, with the face that shone on Thabor like the most horrific of lepers, the blood streaming without pause, and the heart of his Mother below in the most utterly unfathomable abysses of suffering and desolation. Consider that all our sins are the cause of this. And then, let us turn back to ourselves with a will that is totally humbled, but, at the same time, completely put to peace, and securely freed from all turbulent passions towards others. 

And in such a state, we can raise our eyes and direct the powers of our being firmly to the true End; and purpose fervently to direct every thought, word, action, and voluntary motion of our soul to Our Most Sacred Lord and the desires of His most noble Heart. And then, there is nothing to fear but to grow remiss and not do our best. 

And, under all the good we must purpose to do, I counsel you to pray for the protection and victory of our holy Tradition in all aspects - especially that blessed and holy Liturgy of our Roman Rite which we have been so fortunate as to receive, in all its splendour and loveability, in all its consolation and sanctifying power - as well as of every truth of the Catholic Faith in its utter and entire integrity, unobstructed by the facade of any error, or of any semiotic matrix favourable to and advancing of that which is not the Truth. And indeed, let us pray for our enemies - who are not only our enemies, but have the blackest misfortune to the be the enemies of objective reality, of what is correct, of what is best, of good, of truth, of the beautiful, of the fine and the right, of their own ancestors and of the Saints. 

Heart of Jesus, Heart of Mary, Heart of St. Joseph, in you do we place our trust.